Restoring Forest & Improving Livelihoods

Amplify your impact with projects that deliver measurable carbon reduction and removal, biodiversity restoration and economic development - one acre at a time.

Our Solution

We work with smallholders to protect and restore forest.


By partnering with us, your business can enhance its impact beyond its value chains – advancing carbon reduction and removal, restoring biodiversity, and fostering economic growth for farmers and communities worldwide. We certify high-quality forest protection and restoration projects while offering a proven lending solution that promotes sustainable long-term growth for farmers and communities. Our platform connects companies with impactful projects, providing precise, transparent data aligned with corporate sustainability frameworks and powered by advanced technology. These projects are developed in partnership with farmers, local authorities, researchers, and industry experts to ensure meaningful and lasting outcomes.

Our methodology, developed with smallholder farmer and scientific experts, goes beyond just measuring Carbon – it shows the full value of each acre of indigenous forest. We also measure biodiversity and economic impact, giving you clear scores that help you meet three ESG goals with one product.

Our platform lets you track your investment with precision. Using satellite imaging and AI, we identify Nature-based Solutions (NbS) down to the acre, offering you verified, science-backed data directly from smallholder forest plots. Local stewards authenticate this data, and our remote sensing technology ensures accuracy. You’ll have access to an impact dashboard with annual insights into biodiversity, carbon metrics, and livelihood development – perfect for showcasing your commitment to stakeholders. Plus, our continuous monitoring ensures quality and reduces risks, so you can trust the results every step of the way.

Our network connects key stakeholders from project countries and Switzerland, including farmers, government authorities, NGOs, industry experts, and research institutions. Through a research program with universities, we address critical questions on forest valuation and metrics, driving innovation. Workshops with smallholders and stakeholders ensure project alignment and mutual understanding. We also provide expert guidance and communication materials to help you engage stakeholders on climate actions and nature-based solutions.

Our Project

We are piloting in Kiyowela Ward, Southern Highlands, Tanzania and are collaborating with smallholders who own land with forests in a biodiversity-rich area. Covering 6,000 hectares of natural forests, including tropical montane and miombo woodlands, the project is part of a larger 5.4 million hectares of privately and community-managed forest land in the region. The farmers we work with own indigenous forests that currently have no economic value, with income generated only through charcoal production. However, this practice harms the land and its biodiversity. A solution co-developed with farmers turns natural forests into an asset, providing the funds needed for sustainable farming and even generating income, benefiting both the environment and their livelihoods.

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Let us give natural forest an economic value!

We are in the process of certifying our first project in Kiyowela Ward, Tanzania. You can follow our progress and project co-development via our newsletter.